Game Details:
Mobile Accessible: Yes
Requirements: Internet Browser, Pop ups must be disabled

Fish Catch Review
Fish Catch is a gambling game that doesn’t require much focus or concentration from an experienced gamer. As a beginner, I found it quite exciting, and noticed quickly that I had to stay alert and watch all the areas of the screen. It’s great fun if you have a good size monitor, or if you hook up your laptop to the TV, it becomes even more thrilling. If you are looking for a game that has decent graphics and animations, some charming fish and a range of cannons to shoot them with, then this is your game. Get rid of those frustrations and blast away! After my playtime, I left feeling extremely satisfied with all my fish hunting and shooting, not to mention the money I had racked up.

How to Play
The game begins with you selecting your bets or the amount of money it’s going to take to shoot your cannons. This amount ranges from 10 cents to 25 bucks and is represented by different fish. Once the money has been placed, you start on the ocean floor with four separate grids to switch between while hunting fish to catch. Each grid gives you a different environment with fun graphics.
The cannons come in five different varieties, from the start-out common cannon to the steampunk style mega cannon. Each cannon costs different amounts to fire. The starter cannon costs precisely as much as the betting amount, but this amount is multiplied depending on which cannon you use. The more powerful the cannon, the more damage it does to the fish, but this means it costs more money to fire.

The other thing I noticed, was I had to keep in mind that the more cannons I blasted, the more I would have to keep an eye on my funds. For a beginner, it could become somewhat overwhelming, but doesn’t detract from the fun factor and adds to the determination to get that big guy that looks like a golden hammerhead shark with scuba tanks, what a laugh! I could almost hear the Jaws soundtrack as this fellow trawled around, not to mention the squeals of hysterics when the mermaid or tiger shark, devilfish, and other high-value fish come out!
Once you reach a certain score, you also get a ‘Mermaid’s Luck’ wheel which pops up on the left side of your screen giving you the chance to spin and win even more!
I enjoyed the game’s auto-aim and shoot function allowing me to really focus on the fish that would get me the big bucks but felt that it took some of the enjoyment and challenge out of the game in the end. Choosing your bets and selecting your targets is ultimately what this game is about and I would recommend this game to those who enjoy web-based fun and beginners to online casinos. It’s good, clean fun anyone will enjoy tremendously. It also teaches youngsters to create a strategy and choose how they should spend their money to get to the big dosh.
The fish range in value from clownfish a la Finding Nemo, (even a Dory lookalike, which I felt almost bad to shoot. Yes, I’m a Nemo fan, what can I say?) to ever-elusive mermaids that means a big win. The more exotic and rarer the fish are, the more money it is ultimately worth. However, don’t expect those scarce fish to be an easy fight. The more exotic fish have a longer life, and it will take quite a few shots from your best cannon to bring them into the catch, but their payout makes it worth the struggle. All you need to do is keep an eye out for those special fish alerts and place your shots; a wasted shot is money in the water, (pun intended), so make sure you know where you want to aim.
Ultimately this game could become rather addictive and is a nostalgic reminder of those arcade days. It’s great for stress relief, and I had loads of fun.
+ Simple point and shoot system, very easy to understand
+ In-game features make it easier to play
+ Playable across all devices
+ Sound can be muted
– Very easy to blow all your money on the bullets
– More arcade game than an actual casino-based gambling game
– Soundtrack can become quite annoying and doesn’t quite suit the shooting action
It’s a fun little game to play between poker matches to unwind. I would play it during my lunch break and imagine those big fish were the bosses, wink-wink. So, plan, aim, fire and win!